Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 17:44:52 GMT PC PC PipeDream
PipeDream is no longer sold.
As this software was released in 1988 and is of no
commercial value now, it has been put on our web site for download. The
excellent manuals, on the other hand, are now sold on their own. The commands that are used on the Z88 and the computer are the same (the diamond key becomes the Alt key). Using a PC Link ROM and the correct cable you can 'log' onto your Z88 (as drive Z) and easily fetch or save your files directly to or from the Z88 in PipeDream on the computer. The manualsPipeDream User GuideSpellcheck User Guide. File ConversionUnlike PipeDream on the Z88 which only supports saving files as 'Plain Text,' this version supports
so that your PipeDream files can be imported into the latest Windows packages without losing any of the calculations hidden in spreadsheets. PipeDream is NOT Millennium Compliant"All I do now is to subtract 20 years with date entries," said Vic, who still uses Pipedream.
We have done some tests on PC PD to see if it is compliant. The "DATE" command picks up the right date from our computer clock (after setting it to a 2000 date) and the calculations work as shown on the above screen shot. Year 2000 is now known as year 100. The last date that PC PipeDream can calculate is 19.1.102. You can convert your old PipeDream files to Lotus 1-2-3 format and carry on working on the file with a different spreadsheet package. What Charles Martin saidBuying the PipeDrearn-PC
file back in May was one of the best buys I have had for ages.Previously
I had updated my RISC-PC computer and got the latest version
of Fireworkz as it seemed the only way of transferring RISC
Pipedream to PC formaL It did it but the amount of editing work
was tremendous and in fact it was quicker to retype! Full Version with SpellcheckThe full version of PipeDream is now available as a free download. There is no warranty with this software. Please read the readme.doc file first. There is also an icon that you can assign to the program. Download the software from here, put these files in a separate directory named 'PIPED' in your 'Program Files' and type 'PD' to run. Or you can check it out yourself beforehand with the --- Demonstration SoftwareTry out PipeDream now before ordering the full version. This version will not
Download the software from here, put these files in a separate directory and type 'DEMO' to run. Windows (after xp)Running PipeDream after Windows xp may be a problem. Here is one solution. So, my
old desktop (running XP) died, and I was forced to purchase a 64 bit
Vista based machine, which is fine except that none of the z88 programs
will even install, let alone run. I had issues with pipedream and
eazylink in particular. ArticlesThere are also some articles and leaflets that I have found that you might be interested to read.