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Am I glad . . .

-----Original Message-----
From: Edmund Burke
<email address removed>
To: Vic Gerhardi <rakewell@nildram.co.uk>
Date: 03 January 2000 10:12
Subject: Am I glad..


Hi Vic,
I went to stay with my brother in Sheffield just before New Year. It was a quick visit, so I only took an overnight bag. My departure for the return journey was rather hurried and I packed by bag hastily, with the Z88 slipping
to the bottom. It performed a hard reset in the coach and I lost everything in RAM.

Without Flashstore it would have been an absolute disaster. Tell the lads they've done a good job...

Happy New Year!


Am I glad . . .(again)

-----Original Message-----
From: Edmund Burke
<email address removed>
To: Vic Gerhardi <rakewell@nildram.co.uk>
Date: 15 January 2000 14:15
Subject: Am I glad..

Yet more sighs of relief...!

A few years ago I tried out an invoice program that I had on a shareware disk, and when I'd adapted it to my needs and tried to register it, I found the company had gone bust - and they'd carefully emblazoned the letterhead with a "shareware" logo!

So - I wrote my own invoice program for my personal language students in BBC BASIC, originally on the BBC Micro, but then for the Z88. This morning I started adapting it so as to be able to do invoices for
group tuition as well as individual tuition - otherwise it means typing out every detail for every individual in a group. I made a boob in the first draft, saved it to work on it later, and then got the error message "BAD PROGRAM" when I tried to retrieve it!

If I hadn't had the master program backed up in Flashstore, I'd have had to write the whole thing again from scratch...

Kind regards,

Edmund Untitled Document

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Chuffed - the message

-----Original Message-----
From: Morton Davis
To: Vic Gerhardi <rakewell@nildram.co.uk>
Date: 24 October 1999 22:18
Subject: Chuffed - the message


Hello Vic

Sorry I forgot to copy the message into the last email from Word! It said, more or less, that I am delighted with the Flash EPROM and EazyLink, and that since getting the hang of using them (and I don’t know what mental block made it seem difficult in the first place) I wouldn’t be without either. Who needs a Psion 5?!?


Morton Untitled Document

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Web Site

14 December 1997 14:26

Hello Vic (I presume)

What a delightful surprise on a Sunday afternoon.

On going to Deja News to find out if there has been any Z88 postings to any news group, I found Gary Lanchaster had updated his page (long time since). Going there I found an announcement for your page. Possible The most important site establishment for the Z88 ever.

I am honoured to have my page mentioned on your site. Thank you.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a long Z88 life.

Yours sincerely
Dennis Gröning
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Flash EPROM 1

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Am I glad . .


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