Tuesday, 14-Jan-2025 17:21:33 GMT Z88 Manuals IntroductionThis introduction section has 2 aditional parts. or you can view them all by clicking here.
If you have read this introduction and want to go straight to the manual click here. These Z88 manuals have been produced from:-
As each manufacturer described common items, e.g. Copyright Notices, Inserting the ROM into the Z88, they have all been consolidated and only been written once before the manuals start. Please see "Read this First" Z88 SupportQuite a lot of information about Wordmongers, Prestel, Telecom Gold and Ranger Computers that was in the original manuals is now completely out of date.
These manual have been altered to reflect these changes. Copyright & Trademark notices as given in the Original ManualsPC-LINK USER GUIDE (International
Version) No part of this book may be reproduced
by any means without the prior consent of the copyright holder.
The only exceptions are as provided for by the Copyright (photocopying)
Act or for the purpose of review or in order for the software
herein to be entered into a computer for the sole use of the owner
of this book.
DisclaimerThis pack is supplied on an "as is" basis with no warranty, specific or implied, attaching. No liability will be accepted for consequential loss, damage or error. Faulty media will be replaced free of charge. Consumer rights under existing legislation are not affected by the above statement. However, the following statement should be noted by all users. See full copy of Wordmongers Licence supplied with the system. (Which is not available any more). Computer Concepts Ltd. shall not in any event be liable for any loss, whether consequential or direct, caused by any error in the Spell-Master product or manual, or as the result o misuse, including but not limited to loss of data, damage to the host machine - particular during cartridge installation or extraction, or loss of profit. Statement by Wordmongers on fitness of its programs for its designed use. Wordmongers would advise users that all their software has not been tested to a degree that makes it fit for use in any situation likely to cause or contribute to the physical well-being of users. Such exhaustive testing would put the price of their programs prohibitively high and deprive users of its designed use as an outliner and of Z-Tape, as a computerised data backup system. Equally, Wordmongers cannot accept any responsibility for programs written by users. Programmers using zBASE must accept responsibility for testing their programs to whatever level is required for the intended application. In cases where data is regarded as particularly valuable, users are recommended to take multiple copies of files. In extreme circumstances, users should consider taking out insurance policies to cover the loss of data. .Extract from Licence. Wordmongers liability for any losses or damages to the Licensee (purchaser) arising out of the terms and conditions of the Licence shall in no event exceed the purchase price of the software in respect of which the losses or damages are claimed and in no event shall Wordmongers be liable for any consequential damages or special costs or expenses in respect thereof whether Wordmongers has been advised of the possibility of such damages or not. RangerLink2, RangerDisk2 and Vision/L
are protected by copyright laws. All rights reserved.